Madiha Salman PhD student in Civil Engineering Have Been Killed In Terrorist Attack
Islamophobia has no place in any of our communities of Canadian people and it must stop

All four on the right of this photo have been killed by a terrorist who targeted them just because of their faith. Don’t tell us #islamophobia doesn’t exist and has consequences.
UPDATE: The Afzaal family gave permission to release all the names and more information about their loved ones.
Salman Afzaal was a physiotherapist. Madiha Salman was a PhD student in Civil Engineering. Yumna was a Grade 9 student. Children in her school are heartbroken.
There are TWO OFFICIAL fundraisers for the family. Only donate to these two.
One is administered by the Afzaal’s mosque in London, Canada.
The other is administered by family:
NOTE: I initially posted the picture of the family because it was given to REUTERS. Overseas news outlets are also showing a different picture of the family. I’ve since learned not all family overseas has been notified so I’m deleting the picture until we can be sure they’ve been notified.
The pictures below are of the intersection where the family was murdered. People have come to pray at that intersection and leave flowers.
The flags in London, Ontario, Canada will be lowered to honor the family for the next three days.

Nine year old Faez Afzaal is in a hospital bed in London, Ontario, Canada. He may not know all the people he loved most are gone.
Last night, Faez and his 46 year-old father Salman Afzaal, his 44 year-old mother Madiha Salman, his 15-year-old sister Yumnah and his grandmother went for a walk in their neighborhood.
They had no idea a 20 year old man in a black truck was gunning for them. He targeted the Afzaals because they were Muslims, according to police. It was “premeditated, motivated by hate”. He ran them over and then left. It was a hate crime, and the worst mass murder against Muslims since 2017 when a man murdered 6 Muslims in Toronto.
“This was an act of mass murder, perpetrated against Muslims, against Londoners, and rooted in unspeakable hatred.”-London Mayor Ed Holder
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “Islamophobia has no place in any of our communities. This hate is insidious and despicable – and it must stop.”
“This is a terrorist attack on Canadian soil, and should be treated as such,” Mustafa Farooq, National Council of Canadian Muslims.
“He was a family guy, very much involved in the community, a regular member of our mosque, a really, really great father. He loved to walk with his family. Almost every evening, they walked.” neighbor of Afzaals.
The killer is 20 years old. His name is Nathaniel Veltman. He was wearing a body-armor-type vest when officers arrested him at a mall after the murders.