PM Imran Khan intends to blackmail for demonstration of street power

In Lahore PDM order against running PTI plans to rally at Islamabad at D-chowk. The marchers will reach Rawalpindi on March 28 instead of 27th.. They plan to enter Islamabad on 25th March to camp their at the same day. This long march will be in Islamabad on March 27th and stay there for two or more then two days. This decision has been taken according to the party leadership, Nawaaz Sharif and Shehbaaz Sharif. However, before a week they went back because of the OIC the foreign minister meeting. The leader told to Dawn the decision to put back the matters to enter in the capital city.PM Imran Khan’s intend to blackmail for the demonstration of street power. PM has given call to workers of his party to reach D-chowk to march in 27th for the country, it would be the biggest rally ever. The PDM had written on their banners the slogan “ waqt ki majboori hai Shehbaaz Sharif zaroori hai”. ( Shehbaaz Sharif as PM is the need of the hour). This came on the hella of banners advocating the appointment of Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi as chief minister of the province. So, the party will kick it’s trek from Lahore on March 24, Maryam Nawaaz the PML-N vice president and Hamza Shehbaaz will lead the cavalcade.