After broiler, the price of eggs and vegetables also went up, worrying the citizens Apart from onions, tomatoes and garlic, most vegetables became out of reach.
Shopkeepers say that the vegetable crop is declining due to the hot weather.
After broiler, the price of eggs and vegetables also went up, worrying the citizens Apart from onions, tomatoes and garlic, most vegetables became out of reach.
New potatoes have reached Rs 70 per kg, white potatoes are being sold at Rs 35 and onions at Rs 30-35 per kg. Tomatoes are being sold at Rs 30 per kg, garlic at Rs 160 per kg and ginger at Rs 400 per kg.
Flowers are also being sold at Rs 100 per kg, pumpkins at Rs 70 per kg and okra at Rs 100 per kg.
The rate of peas has reached Rs 240 per kg.
Shopkeepers say that the vegetable crop is declining due to the hot weather.